
Sunday 30 September 2012

Cakes For Little Girls

What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails, and puppy dogs tails
That's what little boys are made of!

What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice and everything nice
That's what little girls are made of...

What a sexist nursery rhyme!!! People always say that it's much more fun buying for little girls than for little boys (women do anyway). I am lucky enough to have two little boys and I've also never really subscribed to that theory. Granted, I don't really understand their toys but I guess you get used to what you have. When it comes to making cakes though, I do have a lot of fun baking for little girls.

I don't always share the cakes I make so I thought I would post a few of my recent endeavours... Enjoy! 

Princess and The Frog

Hello Kitty!

Parcels and Polka Dots

Peppa Pig
This last one is from a jungle cake that I did for a little boy last year, this was a LOT of fun so the boys get a look in too! Check out the blog post for more pics.

Cool cakes for boys!
Have a great week!

Peace & Love


Monday 24 September 2012

Thank You

Victoria Sponge Cupcakes
A few weeks ago I was in a lovely cafe in Bow called Muxima and a customer noticed me reading a book by Haruki Marakami. We started chatting about his writing style and she said that she had some of his books and was looking to give them a new home. She then left the cafe to go back to her flat & returned with a hardback set of his 3 part novel 1Q84. 

Murakami 1Q84 Books One, Two & Three

I was quite taken aback as I was expecting some tattered paperbacks and I felt a bit embarrassed to take something like this from a complete stranger. I LOVE books so this was a really special treat for me, plus I am a big fan of his work.

Thank you cupcakes

I decided to make her some cupcakes to say thank you. I figured she'd be going back to the cafe at some point (she is a regular), so if I didn't see her again, I could just leave them there for her. As it turns out, she was there when I went in and I think she was equally embarrassed by my gesture!

I found it quite interesting and funny that we both felt awkward when we were shown a kindness. It's a bit like when you get a compliment and you don't really know what to do with yourself, so you just brush it off.

And on to the cakes... These cuties are vanilla cupcakes with a tiny spread of jam, a layer of strawberries and then a generous topping of vanilla buttercream. Delish!

Victoria Sponge Cupcakes
May your days be filled with the giving and receiving of random acts of kindness :)

Peace & Love


Tuesday 18 September 2012

The Unicorn

One sunny morning, I heard what sounded like the silent song of a Unicorn. Intrigued, I followed the melody to the meadows at the bottom of my garden.

And there she stood; a Unicorn, powerful and beautiful and majestic with a big golden horn and a body that glittered with moon dust.

"Could this be really be a unicorn?" I thought.

I was transfixed. I knew it would be dangerous but I just had to be sure. So I stepped a bit closer and shouted, 


"Hello" she said and smiled.

With my heart racing, I smiled back. Slowly, I took another step. 

"May I stroke your mane?" I asked.
"No, but you can touch my tail" she replied as she flicked her tail out far behind her towards me. 

My heart jumped again. I stretched out and touched her tail. Sprinkles of moon dust danced around my eyes and there and then I fell in love. I wanted to get closer, maybe stroke it again, but the Unicorn sensed my thoughts and pulled her tail away with a powerful movement that hurt my hand. 

"Sorry" she said," but I can only be friends with a fair virgin maiden and I will hurt anyone that tries to come near. My maiden has gone away but will be back to be with me soon."

A sharp pain filled my heart for I am not a fair virgin maiden and the Unicorn already had a friend. I went away sad with a scar on my hand. 

Time passed but the moon dust still sparkled on my fingers and my ears rang with the silent calling song of the Unicorn. 

So sunrise after sunrise, I followed the melody down to the meadow at the bottom of my garden. Sometimes the Unicorn was there and sometimes she wasn't. Sometimes we would laugh and sing and dance, and sometimes, for what felt like an eternity, the Unicorn would turn her head and pretend not to notice me while she wept for her fair virgin maiden. Everyday I would leave with a new scar, each one deeper and more painful than the last. Often, I vowed never to go back, but the calling song would grow louder and stronger until I was weak and had to return. The moon dust was spreading around me, it sparkled brightly, urging me to go on. 

I had read that befriending a Unicorn was no easy task. I read that unless you were a fair virgin maiden, if you got too close, they would use their tails to toss you high into the sky & then pierce you in the heart with their horns as you came crashing down.

But my Unicorn never did this to me, instead she sang her silent calling song, and let me stroke her tail.  

"No-one can befriend a Unicorn better than me" I thought. "I'll be the best friend she's ever had".

Things were going well & there was no sign of the fair virgin maiden. The Unicorn stopped weeping & even promised to try not to hurt me when we played. I saw my scars as the price I'd have to pay to get my Unicorn and accepted them without complaining. Besides, the moon dust, (that now covered my whole body), and her silent song seemed to soothe the pain. 

Then one day, when I went as usual to the meadow at the bottom of the garden, the Unicorn wasn't there. And I knew that the fair virgin maiden had come back. 

I sat in the meadow and waited, maybe I was wrong and the Unicorn was in danger? Frightened, I called out to the Unicorn and I heard her gentle silent song call back, so I waited some more. Twenty moons passed like this and then she came.

'It is true' she said, 'my fair virgin maiden has come back and I no longer have time to laugh and sing and dance with you. I am sorry but you can never be my friend for you are not a fair virgin maiden.' 

With those last words I tried to run away, but she turned and flicked her tail to get me to stop. It lashed me so hard that I spun around and as she bent her head to look at me, she pierced my heart with her horn. 

I could see she was sad, but she said nothing for that is what Unicorns do. 

Her fair virgin called out so she quickly galloped off to laugh and sing and dance with her. The moon dust flittered away like the butterflies leaving me with only my scars and a pain in my heart.

Sometimes, I still hear the silent calling song of the Unicorn and my scars start to ache, especially the one on my heart. But this time I know to stay away. You cannot be friends with a Unicorn, unless you are a fair virgin maiden.

Peace & Love

Wednesday 12 September 2012

The Lady Loves Cake

This is one of the pictures from my latest photo shoot with the beautiful and talented Marie Dahlstrøm, an up and coming soul singer from Denmark, currently based in London.

Me hard at work!

We had a lot of fun on the day and I managed to grab a sneaky picture of her eating one of the red velvet cupcakes that I bought along to keep our sugar levels up. I have no idea how she manages to make eating look quite like that, maybe one day when I grow up I'll discover the secret!

I'll be posting more pictures of this shoot and other on my Tumblr blog over the coming week so keep an eye out.

Peace & Love


Saturday 8 September 2012

Budding Love

A couple of weeks ago, I went down to Selfridges on Oxford Street to see the latest window display which is a collaboration between the Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama (aka The Princess of Polka Dots) and Louis Vuitton.  

The display is based on a Kusama poem called Love Forever. If you are unfamiliar with it (like I was) here it is in full;

Stars, the earth, I and you: we are but one polka dot
To a shining future
Budding love
All about my great happiness
Fashionably dressed up
Let’s go and see our boyfriends in high heels
I, in high heels
Love Forever

And so on to my interpretation of polka dots, budding love and shining futures.;polka dotted red velvet cake pops with mini white chocolate buttons inside to keep the whole red and white thing going. I forgot to take pictures of the inside though so you'll have to take my word for it!

May we all have Love Forever (and Louis Vuitton bags).

Peace & Love


Wednesday 5 September 2012

Tea and Cake London - Violet

In June I did my first review from the Tea and Cake London book by Zena Alkayat, at Ms Cupcake in Brixton. Since then I have cherry picked the places that I am most excited about, one of which is Violet in Hackney London. 

There are many things about this place that makes me happy;

1. It's in Hackney, East London aka the place of my birth and my spiritual home.
2. The founder Claire Ptak is beyond talented and I love the work that she does.
3. The cakes look amazing! Claire (we're pretty much on first name terms in my head) is all about fresh, wholesome ingredients and that is something so very close to my heart.

So one sunny afternoon, I slipped away from my desk at work and made my way down to Violet. I've got to be honest, I was excited -like it was Christmas Day or something as I sat on the bus and when I got there I wasn't disappointed. I bought one of every mini cupcake that I could and sat down to enjoy a chocolate cupcake with a well needed coffee.

The anticipation was worth it! The cakes were moist and tasty and delicious and the cafe is cute and friendly and welcoming. When I grow up I want to have a little cafe like Violet. Unassuming yet awesome!

Peace & Love