
Wednesday 16 November 2011

Stay Inspired

I started this week in search of some inspiration; my original plan was to head into London and check out some art galleries. As it happened, things went a little differently... I started out by looking around my home at the beautiful pink roses that, though slowly dying, are providing me with so much happiness. I discovered the power of pink roses this summer. Some of my work colleagues bought me a bunch for my birthday and they lasted about 10 days. It was at a time when I was hiding a major amount of sadness as we do sometimes. Smiles on the outside, silent tears within. Anyways, the flowers soothed my soul and I now try to have them at home whenever possible.

Then on Tuesday I came across a blog that talked about the book 'The 4-Hour Work Week' by Timothy Ferriss. Another friend had mentioned it to me before so I thought why not & bought a copy - good move! Many of you will have heard of it and some may have read it. To me, it was talking about my would-be life... I could go on & on but I won't. I will just share with you the two most important things that I took from it;

1) I am not crazy! I have a philosophy that says, I want to do whatever I want to do. I am a Jack of all trades and Master of whatever I'm doing at the time. I get bored and want to do something else. I like to learn and be stimulated. It's nice to hear someone successful feeling the same way. 

2) 99.9% of the things that I really really want out of life don't require insane amounts of cash and are totally doable. This is super exciting for me, like amazingly exciting. Just because we are friends now, here are the Top 5 things;

- Health (good food and exercise, easy)
- Relationships (family & friends et al, free and totally doable)
- Speak French fluently (mildly trickier but totally achieveable as I'm not starting from scratch)
- Play the piano (I have one & just need to actually play it - no probs)
- Renown & prestige (not of the celebrity type, but recognition for my contribution...doesn't require money at least)

So what do you get when you add the above to Ginger biscuits, melted chocolate, eggs, cream cheese and sugar if not cheesecake? 

Yes my friends, cheesecake is the new cupcake and I made a mash-up of about 3 recipes to bring you, 'Stay Inspired' Cheesecake. It has a chocolate ginger base, a vanilla centre gently coloured pink (think roses), with a thin layer of dark chocolate on top. It's rich & wintery like the cold weather and perfect with a cup of tea or a glass or two of mulled wine.

What are you doing to stay inspired? Don't let 'reality' and the drudgery of life stop you from living the life you want. 

Peace & Love


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