
Monday 2 January 2012

Manifestos and Party Food


I'm writing this post a broken woman; a combination of a new workout plan and over enthusiastic New Years Eve celebrations. I can't work out whether it's a good thing or a bad thing - either way, I've definitely bought the year in with a bang and my whole body definitely hurts, the perks of a rock n' roll life!

So I've been really wrestling with this whole resolutions thing. It's not the thought of making resolutions itself, I'm goal orientated and am forever setting myself things to accomplish. It's the fact that it seems this year will be a pivotal one, (being the year of comic awareness and that), so my goal setting has gone into overdrive. I want to do a million things or at least 37 before the year is up. I'm thinking I might have a 'new month resolution' to minimise overwhelmment (sic) and break it up a little, after all Rome wasn't built in a day!

In my last post I talked about learning a new skill each month - and the skill for this month is to learn the basics of web building. I have my Dummies Guide and hopefully you'll see some cool changes on the blog over the coming weeks.


Now for the party food; I brought some mini pastry snacks along to the New Years Eve party that I went to this year (or is it last year?); a selection of puff pastry rolls filled with Apple & Cinnamon, Chilli Turkey Sausage Meat with Cranberry Jam and lastly Goats Cheese.

I first got the idea for the Apple & Cinnamon rolls from this blog (recipe included) and it was so simple that I figured why not try out some other fillings?

Apple & Cinnamon Pastry Rolls

Sweet Chilli Turkey Sausage Rolls
Goats Cheese Rolls

The sausage rolls were probably my favourite and I'll be making them again. Right now though, I'm off to get a glass of wine and take a long soak in a hot bath... Yeah right, I'm off to get my rubber gloves to clean out the kitchen and then make dinner, plus alcohol is not my friend! (And so my rock n' roll life continues :)).

Peace & Love


ps Don't forget about the cake pop giveaway - there is still time. Click here for more details.


  1. Ohhhh - I can't decide - apple cinnamon, goats, cheese or turkey sausage rolls - I think I'm going to have to go with all three. don't get too hung up on resolutions - in my experience they rarely work and only make you feel bad!
    Mary x

  2. I have a weakness for sausage rolls. I could eat party food all day long!
