
Sunday 27 May 2012

Rainbow Fruit Sticks and Life Changes

So I rejoined the masses and started 'working' again last week. A good opportunity came my way so it made sense to do it. It's funny that sometimes you can make a decision that is right at that particular time but later it's right to do something else. I have so much to take from my 'sabbatical' and am renewed in my long term goals.

'Stay committed to your decisions, but flexible in your approach' Tony Robbins

In other news, the sunshine came back with a BANG this week. It's literally become summer overnight and I am loving it! I think it took many people by surprise because I've seen some very red and blotchy people recently. People, please use suncream (and deodorant)!

Anyway, summer means summer fruits, so this afternoon I made some quick and tasty rainbow fruit sticks for us to eat outside. I used; grapes, blueberries, strawberries, melon, pineapple and kiwi in mine. Of course you can use whatever tickles your fancy.

My son enjoying his fruit stick!

What decisions have you revisited recently?

Peace & Love


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the new job.

    Loving the pearls of wisdom too not to mention the scrummy fruit sticks.

    It's the simple things that are often the best in life xx
